Tweet your database with db2twitter

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You have a database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, see supported database types), a tweet pattern and wants to automatically tweet on a regular basis? No need for RSS, fancy tricks, 3rd party website to translate RSS to Twitter or whatever. Just use db2twitter.

A quick example of a tweet generated by db2twitter:


The new version 0.6 offers the support of tweets with an image. How cool is that?


db2twitter is developed by and run for, the job board of th french-speaking Free Software and Opensource community.


db2twitter also has cool options like;

  • only tweet during user-specified time (e.g 9AM-6PM)
  • use user-specified SQL filter in order to get data from the database (e.g only fetch rows where status == « edited »)

db2twitter is coded in Python 3.4, uses SQlAlchemy (see supported database types) and  Tweepy. The official documentation is available on readthedocs.


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